Over-the-Counter Medications and Diabetes

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Over-the-Counter Medications and Diabetes

Many people believe that because a drug, medication or herb is available over the counter, that it is safe to take. However, all medications, including the over-the-counter ones, can have side effects and adverse drug interactions. This is true in terms of diabetes.

For example, many cough and cold syrups contain both simple sugars and alcohol. Alcohol is broken down into simple sugars, by the body. This provides a jolt of sugar into the bloodstream that can cause sudden increases in blood sugar. A rapid fall in blood sugar commonly follows, similar to the effect of consuming a simple sugar, like chocolate.

Some herbs can influence diabetes, as well. Diet pills frequently contain chromium, which increases metabolism. Your metabolic rate impacts how your body processes sugars and insulin. Taking chromium can contribute to fluctuations in blood sugar, and alter your insulin regime, by altering the rate at which your body uses sugar and insulin. This can cause low blood sugar.

As always, with all medications, it is best to consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking over-the-counter medications that may interact with your disease or your prescription medications.



2/2/2012 12:42:18 PM
sepideh said:

thank you so much for your information


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