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Socks and the Diabetic Foot
Nasal Spray Insulin
The Insulin Pump
Low or Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Testing
The Insulin Pen
The Role of the Diabetes Educator
Combining Oral Anti-Diabetic Agents and Insulin
Oral Anti-Diabetic Agents
Choosing the Right Syringe
The Role of the Endocrinologist
Effectively Managing Your Insulin
Choosing the Right Lancet and Lancing Device
Why Should I See a Podiatrist?
Shoe Shopping for the Diabetic Foot
Grief and Coping with Diabetes
The Role of Insulin in Diabetes Treatment
Types of Insulin
Diabetes Types
Gestational Diabetes and a Healthy Pregnancy
Pre-Diabetes - When Does it Become Diabetes?
Type II: Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes
Type I: Insulin-Dependent Diabetes
Juvenile Diabetes
Diabetes Insipidus
Diabetic Complications
Diabetic Amyotrophy
The Dawn Phenomenon
Somogyi Effect
Pre-Eclampsia and Diabetes
Gastroparesis in Diabetes
Get Off Cigarettes and Reduce Your Risk for Diabetes & Complications
Why does diabetes cause intense thirst?
Diabetes and Anemia
Diabetes and Falls in the Elderly
Mood Swings and Diabetes
Diabetic Diet
Carbohydrates in Fruits and Vegetables
Being a Diabetic Vegetarian
Sugar and Other Sweeteners with Calories
Keeping Your Carbohydrates in Check
Reading Nutrition Labels
Carbohydrates and Type 2 Diabetes
Carbohydrate Choices on the Diabetic Meal Plan
Fad Diets and Diabetes
Different Kinds of Carbohydrates
Balancing Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins
Dietary Fat and Diabetes
The Glycemic Index and Diabetes
Eating Out Without Blowing Your Diet
Alcohol and Diabetes
The "Sugar-Free" Dilemma
Recipes for the Diabetic
The Role of the Nutritionist
Water and Diabetes
Risks and Benefits of Low-Calorie Sweeteners
Portion Control: Everything in Moderation
Six Smalls Meals
Choosing Snack Foods
Benefits of a Bedtime Snack
The Role of Protein in the Diabetic Diet
Keeping a Food Diary
Why Should I See a Registered Dietitian?
Low-Sugar Jams and Jellies
Cooking With Low-Calorie Sweeteners
Low-Calorie Sweeteners
Reduced Calorie Sweeteners - Sugar Alcohols
Diabetic Exercise
Preventing Hypoglycemia When Exercising
Flexibility Exercises
Strength Training
Exercise and Neuropathy
Exercise and Blood Sugar
Diabetes and Choosing an Exercise
Exercise Warning Signs
Overcoming the Barriers to Exercise #2
The Benefits of Exercise
Aerobic Exercise
Men, Diabetes and Sex
Exercise and Weight Loss in Diabetes
Water and Diabetes
Cardiovascular Disease, Exercise and Diabetes
I-Don't-Want-To-Exercise Exercises
Exercise and Metabolism
Managing Your Diabetic Body's Response to Exercise
Avoiding Injury During Exercise
Overcoming the Barriers to Exercise #1
Glucose Meters
Glucometer Special Features
Choosing a Glucose Meter
Glucometers and Alternate Site Testing
Checking Glucometer Controls
Glucometer Maintenance
The "All-In-One" Glucometer
Trouble-Shooting your Glucometer
Causes of Hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar)
Treatment of Hyperglycemia
Causes of Hypoglycemia
Basics of Hypoglycemia
Defining Hyperglycemia
Preventing Hypoglycemia
Symptoms of Hyperglycemia
Symptoms of Hypoglycemia
Treatment of Hypoglycemia
Hyperglycemia - Causes and Treatment
Medicare and Rx Plans for Diabetics
Diabetic Supplies Covered Under Medicare
Medicare and Self-Management Training
Medicare and Diabetes Screening
Medicare Health Support Programs and Diabetes
Introduction to Medicare Part D
Medication Coverage Under Medicare Part D
Medicare Part B and Diabetic Supplies
Medigap Coverage
Medicare D: The Standard Plan
Medicare A Services for Persons with Diabetes.
Veterans and Medicare
DSHS and Medicare: Dual Enrollment
"Welcome to Medicare" Physical Exam
Eligiblity for Medicare
Considerations When Choosing a Medicare D Plan
Formulary Comparison with Medicare D
Medicare Part D: Who's on the Playing Field?
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Medicare Part D
Medicare Advantage Plans
Getting Information About Medicare and Medicare Part D
Monitoring Glucose and Other Tests
Monitoring Ketones
Erroneous Blood Glucose Readings
Frequency of Blood Sugar Monitoring
Getting an Adequate Fingerstick Blood Sample
Hemoglobin A1c and Diabetes
Using Your Blood Glucose Readings
Microalbumin and Diabetes
Monitoring your diabetes
Sick Day Management
How Illness Affects Blood Sugars
Guidelines for Sick Days
Sick Day Foods
Site Guru: Diabetes (Questions)
Can a brittle diabetic with no pancreas chew sugar-free gum?
Testing Strips
Managing Your Testing Strips
Coding Test Strips to Your Glucometer
How Diabetes Testing Strips Work
Differences in Test Strips
Choosing Your Test Strip By Choosing Your Meter
Tricks for Handling Test Strips
Avoiding Complications with Your Diabetic Test Strips
Top Diabetes Apps
The 5 Best Apps for Managing Diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes
Smoking and Diabetes
Types of diabetes
Ketoacidosis and Diabetes
Over-the-Counter Medications and Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes
Risk Factors for Developing Diabetes
Definition of Type 2 Diabetes
Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes Newsletter Archive
Carbohydrates and Type 2 Diabetes
Reading Nutrition Labels
Keeping Your Carbohydrates in Check
Sugar and Other Sweeteners with Calories
Being a Diabetic Vegetarian
Carbohydrates in Fruits and Vegetables
Getting Information About Medicare and Medicare Part D
Medicare Part D: Who's on the Playing Field?
Formulary Comparison with Medicare D
Considerations When Choosing a Medicare D Plan
Eligiblity for Medicare
"Welcome to Medicare" Physical Exam
DSHS and Medicare: Dual Enrollment
Veterans and Medicare
Medicare A Services for Persons with Diabetes.
Medigap Coverage
Medicare Part B and Diabetic Supplies
Introduction to Medicare Part D
Medicare Health Support Programs and Diabetes
Medicare and Self-Management Training
Overcoming the Barriers to Exercise #1
Mood Swings and Diabetes
Diabetes and Falls in the Elderly
Diabetes and Anemia
Types of Insulin
The Role of Insulin in Diabetes Treatment
Grief and Coping with Diabetes
Shoe Shopping for the Diabetic Foot
Why Should I See a Podiatrist?
Toenail Care
Differences in Test Strips
Managing Your Testing Strips
The Role of the Endocrinologist
Oral Anti-Diabetic Agents
Combining Oral Anti-Diabetic Agents and Insulin
The Insulin Pen
Low or Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Testing
Nasal Spray Insulin
Socks and the Diabetic Foot
Skin Care Products for Persons with Diabetes
Exercise and Metabolism
I-Don't-Want-To-Exercise Exercises
Avoiding Injury During Exercise
Managing Your Diabetic Body's Response to Exercise
Strength Training
Flexibility Exercises
Aerobic Exercise
The Benefits of Exercise
Overcoming the Barriers to Exercise #2
Can a brittle diabetic with no pancreas chew sugar-free gum?
Trouble-Shooting your Glucometer
Pre-Diabetes - When Does it Become Diabetes?
Gestational Diabetes and a Healthy Pregnancy
Diabetes Insipidus
Gastroparesis in Diabetes
Pre-Eclampsia and Diabetes
Somogyi Effect
The Dawn Phenomenon
Diabetic Amyotrophy
Fad Diets and Diabetes
The Role of the Nutritionist
Water and Diabetes
Risks and Benefits of Low-Calorie Sweeteners
Portion Control: Everything in Moderation
Six Smalls Meals
Choosing Snack Foods
Benefits of a Bedtime Snack
The Role of Protein in the Diabetic Diet
Keeping a Food Diary
Why Should I See a Registered Dietitian?
Low-Sugar Jams and Jellies
Cooking With Low-Calorie Sweeteners
Reduced Calorie Sweeteners - Sugar Alcohols
Low-Calorie Sweeteners
Symptoms of Hyperglycemia
Getting an Adequate Fingerstick Blood Sample
Hemoglobin A1c and Diabetes
Microalbumin and Diabetes
How Illness Affects Blood Sugars
Types of diabetes
Hyperglycemia - Causes and Treatment
Symptoms of Hypoglycemia
Definition of Type 2 Diabetes
Sick Day Foods
Causes of Hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar)
Defining Hyperglycemia
Treatment of Hyperglycemia
Preventing Hypoglycemia
Treatment of Hypoglycemia
Monitoring Ketones
Frequency of Blood Sugar Monitoring
Smoking and Diabetes
Type I: Insulin-Dependent Diabetes
Type II: Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes
Juvenile Diabetes
The Insulin Pump
The Role of the Diabetes Educator
Choosing the Right Syringe
Effectively Managing Your Insulin
Choosing the Right Lancet and Lancing Device
Glucometers - What's in a Name?
How Diabetes Testing Strips Work
Tricks for Handling Test Strips
Choosing Your Test Strip By Choosing Your Meter
Coding Test Strips to Your Glucometer
Diabetic Supplies Covered Under Medicare
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Medicare Part D
Medicare and Diabetes Screening
Medicare D: The Standard Plan
Medicare Advantage Plans
Medication Coverage Under Medicare Part D
Glucometers and Alternate Site Testing
Checking Glucometer Controls
Glucometer Maintenance
Glucometer Special Features
Choosing a Glucose Meter
The "All-In-One" Glucometer
Water and Diabetes
Cardiovascular Disease, Exercise and Diabetes
Preventing Hypoglycemia When Exercising
Men, Diabetes and Sex
Diabetes and Choosing an Exercise
Exercise Warning Signs
Exercise and Weight Loss in Diabetes
Alcohol and Diabetes
Different Kinds of Carbohydrates
Balancing Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins
Carbohydrate Choices on the Diabetic Meal Plan
The Glycemic Index and Diabetes
Recipes for the Diabetic
Avoiding Complications with Your Diabetic Test Strips
Risk Factors for Developing Diabetes
Eating Out Without Blowing Your Diet
Basics of Hypoglycemia
Exercise and Neuropathy
Dietary Fat and Diabetes
The "Sugar-Free" Dilemma
Causes of Hypoglycemia
Using Your Blood Glucose Readings
Monitoring your diabetes
Erroneous Blood Glucose Readings
Guidelines for Sick Days
Ketoacidosis and Diabetes
Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
Treatment for Type 1 Diabetes
Exercise and Neuropathy
Definition of Hypoglycemia
Treatment of Hypoglycemia
Alcohol and the Diabetic
The Effect of Exercise on Blood Sugars
Exercise and Weight Loss
Monitoring Ketones
Basic Guidelines
Carbohydrate Counting
Causes of Type 2 Diabetes
Treatment of Hypoglycemia
Treatment of Hypoglycemia
The Glycemic Index and Diabetes
Exercise and Neuropathy
Definition of Hypoglycemia
Exercise and Neuropathy
Treatment of Hypoglycemia
Definition of Hypoglycemia
Eating Out Without Blowing Your Diet
Exercise and Weight Loss
Definition of Hypoglycemia
Causes of Type 2 Diabetes
Monitoring Ketones
Basic Guidelines
Eating Out Without Blowing Your Diet
Eating Out Without Blowing Your Diet
Eating Out Without Blowing Your Diet
Treatment of Hypoglycemia
How often should I monitor?
Preventing Hypoglycemia
Monitoring Ketones
Exercise and Weight Loss
Exercise and Neuropathy
Definition of Hypoglycemia
The Glycemic Index and Diabetes
Exercise and Weight Loss
Monitoring Ketones
Types of monitoring
Diabetes Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Count Carbohydrates?
How do I follow a basic healthy diet?
Is there a difference between carbohydrates?
How often should I monitor my blood sugar?
How Do I Count Carbohydrates on my Diabetic Meal Plan?
What are the causes of high blood sugars (hyperglycemia)?
What should I know about the glycemic index?
Can I drink alcohol on my meal plan?
How can I eat out without going off my meal plan?
How does alcohol effect my diabetes?
How does having neuropathy affect my exercise?
What are some tips for the person with neuropathy who exercises?
How do I get a good blood sample for checking glucoses?
What are the benefits I can expect from regular exercise?
What role does water play in my diabetic care plan?
How do I lose weight with exercise?
How does exercise affect my blood sugars?
How can I prevent hyperglycemia?
How does exercise promote weight loss in my disease?
What is Hyperglycemia?
What is hypoglycemia?
What can cause an error in blood sugar readings with a meter?
What is hypoglycemia and what causes it?
What can cause errors in my blood sugar readings.?
How can I prevent hypoglycemia?
How do I check ketones?
What is the significance of ketones in my disease?
How does smoking effect my diabetes?
What causes type 1 diabetes?
How is hypoglycemia treated?
What causes type 2 diabetes?
Am I at risk for developing diabetes?
How do I balance my diet?
What is the hemoglobin a1c?
How do I use food exchanges in my diabetic diet?
If it's sugar-free, can I eat as much as I want?
How does insulin deficiency cause ketones?
What are ketones and how do they effect me?
What are the symptoms of hyperglycemia (high blood sugars)?
What are the symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)?
What are some guidelines for sick days?
What is a good recipe for chicken and vegetables?
How do I start an exercise program?
What is type 2 diabetes?
Can diabetes cause erectile dysfunction?
How much fat should my diet include?
How can I use the information I obtain from blood glucose monitoring?
What do I do if my blood sugar is high?
How is type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes treated?
What causes my blood sugars to be high?
What is microalbumin in terms of diabetes?
What is microalbumin?
How does illness affect my blood sugar?
What is type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes?
What are the different types of diabetes?
What tests are used to monitor my diabetes?
What are the monitoring tests a person with diabetes needs?
What are some causes of hypoglycemia?
What are some sick day foods?
What can I eat on my sick days?
How can I prevent hypoglycemia when exercising?
How is type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes treated?
Are over-the-counter medications safe with my diabetes?
What are the warning signs that I may be overdoing it with my exercise?
What are some warning signs I should know about when exercising?
How do I choose an exercise that´s right for me?
What kind of exercise is right for me?
How does exercise help my heart and my diabetes?
What are the carciovascular benefits I can expect from exercise?
What is lipodystrophy?
What is the relationship between diabetes and anemia?
How can diabetes contribute to falls?
How does my blood sugar effect my mood?
What is ketoacidosis and what causes it?
What is amyotrophy and what does it have to do with diabetes?
What is the Dawn Phenomenon?
What is the Somogyi Effect?
What is the relationship between pre-eclampsia and diabetes?
What is gastroparesis and what does it have to do with diabetes?
Explain Juvenile Diabetes.
How is Diabetes Insipidus different from other types of diabetes?
What is gestational diabetes?
What is pre-diabetes?
What is Type II Diabetes?
What is Type I diabetes?
How do I decide what type of glucometer to use?
Will my glucometer support alternate site testing?
Why should I do controls on my glucometer?
How do I maintain my glucose meter?
Is there a glucometer than can sample and test my blood in one step?
What can I do if my glucometer doesn't seem to be working right?
What kind of features can I find in a glucometer?
How do I go about getting started exercising?
How do I get started exercising?
Why should I exercise?
What is aerobic exercise?
I need more information about flexibility exercises.
What can you tell me about strength training?
How will my body respond to exercise if I am diabetic?
How do I avoid injuries when I am exercising?
What can I do to exercise, if I hate to exercise?
How does exercise impact my metabolism?
What can I do about my dry skin?
Why does my choice of socks make a difference?
How should I take care of my toenails?
Who makes the different glucometers?
is there a difference in lancets and lancing devices?
What should I see a Podiatrist
What kind of shoes should I buy, now that I have diabetes?
Why am I so sad, now that I have diabetes?
What does insulin do?
What are the different types of insulin?
I have heard about nasal spray insulin - is this available, yet?
What is the insulin pump and how does it work?
If there a way to test my blood sugar withou poking my finger?
I have trouble drawing up my insulin - is there another way?
Why should I have a Diabetes Educator?
Why do some people take insulin and oral medications for their diabetes?
What should I know about oral anti-diabetes medication?
Why is choosing the right syringe so important?
What does an Endocrinologist do?
What are some tips to manage my insulin?
What is the best way to manage my test strips?
How do I code my strips to my glucometer?
How do the diabetic testing strips work?
What is the main difference between the test strips?
Can I actually choose my testing strips?
Can you give me some tips for handling those tiny little test strips?
How do I avoid making mistakes with my test strips?
Will Medicare cover my diabetic supplies?
Will Medicare care pay for self-management training?
Will Medicare pay for screening for diabetes?
What is Medicare Health Support?
What is Medicare D and how will if effect me?
What should I consider when I choose a Part D Plan?
Will Medicare pay for my diabetic supplies?
How does Medicare D impact my Medigap coverage?
What is the Standard Medicare D Plan?
What will Medicare Part A cover?
If I have VA insurance, do I need to register for Medicare Part D?
Do I get Medicare Part D if I am already on DSHS?
What is the "Welcome to Medicare" physical exam?
When am I eligible for Medicare?
What should I look for when picking a Medicare Part D plan.
How do I compare the formularies in the Medicare Part D Plans?
Who is providing these Medicare Part D plans?
What should I look out for when choosing a Medicare Part D plan?
What are Medicare Advantage Plans?
Where can I get information about Medicare Part D?
Do carb values differ in different kinds of fruits and vegetables?
Can I balance my vegetarian and diabetic diets?
Can I eat sugar on my diabetic meal plan?
I need some help balancing the carbs in my diet. What do you suggest?
What information should I get from nutrition labels?
What are sugar-alcohols and how do they impact my diabetes?
Can Low-Calorie sweeteners be included in my diabetic diet plan?
How do I use low-calorie sweeteners in my cooking?
How can I make low-sugar jam and jellies?
Why would I want to see a Registered Dietitian if I have diabetes?
What are the benefits of keeping a food diary?
What role does protein have in the diabetic diet?
What makes for a good bedtime snack?
What are the best snack foods for me to eat?
What are the benefits of eating 6 times a day?
I need help figuring out food portions. What do you suggest?
What are the risks and benefits of using low-calorie sweeteners instead of sugar?
How does water effect my diabetes?
What is a Nutritionist and what do they do?
There are alot of new diets out there. Are they safe for me?
I s sugarfree gum okay for a brittle diabetic with no pancrease/
What do you think about Dr. Mary Vernons'treatment for type 2 diabetics where the patient cuts out almost all carbs out of their diet. Is this a permenent solution? What are the risks involed? Thank you for your time and advice.
Why is it so important for a diabetic to have a nighttime snack?

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Guru Spotlight
Jennifer Mathes, Ph.D.