Earn a Diabetes Educator Certification

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Earn a Diabetes Educator Certification

Are you ready to spring forward as a diabetes educator? Do you want to make an impact on the lives of people afflicted with diabetes? If so, earning a certification will take you where you want to go.

The National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators (NDBDE) defines the eligibility requirements for obtaining a CDE - Certified Diabetes Educator - credential, which you earn by passing a written examination. The level of competence and standards you achieve with this certification equip you to advance your career while acquiring the finest skills to help people with diabetes.

You qualify if:

1. You are a qualified and licensed healthcare professional engaged as a registered nurse, an occupational or physical therapist, a dietitian, psychologist, optometrist, physician, registered physician assistant, podiatrist, certified clinical physiologist, master-certified health educator, dietitian nutritionist registered with the Commission on Dietetic Registration, or a healthcare professional holding at least a master's degree in social work from an accredited institution.

2. You have a minimum of 2 years of work experience in your discipline in the United States or its territories.

3. You have at least 1000 hours of work experience as a Diabetes Self-Management Educator (DSME), of which no less than 400 hours should have been completed in the year before applying to sit for the exam.

4. You have 15 hours of continuing education relating to diabetes that you have completed in the 2 years preceding application.

The fee for initial certification is $350. The examination is conducted twice a year, in the spring and fall.

You must meet ALL of the above requirements to apply for a diabetic educator certification.



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