Inside Scoop: How 5 Celebrities Cope with Their Diabetes

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Inside Scoop: How 5 Celebrities Cope with Their Diabetes

Diabetes strikes people in all walks of life. A number of well-known celebrities have revealed their struggles with diabetes to the public. These individuals have learned to manage their disease while keeping their busy schedules.

Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore was one of the first celebrities to go public about having type-1 diabetes. She brought new understanding of the disease to the public conversations with her candid comments about managing blood sugar levels, insulin injections and the need for further research to better management this often-difficult disease.

Halle Berry

Halle Berry once slipped into a coma for a week, because of her diabetic condition. Although an early misdiagnosis made her believe she had type-1 diabetes, she has learned to manage her diet rigorously to keep her type-2 diabetes under control.

Tom Hanks

Tom Hanks recently announced to the public that he has recently been diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. Managing type-2 diabetes can be a challenge when working on a busy filming schedule, and Tom Hanks is always in demand for new roles. However, Hanks understands the importance of good self-care in the management in this disease and is committed to managing his weight to stay in good health.

Bret Michaels

Being one of the members of the rock group Poison, you wouldn’t peg Bret Michaels as someone who has lived with type-1 diabetes since the age of 6. He’s overcome a number of medical issues, and works to teach his young daughter who is pre-diabetic the best ways to stay healthy.

Larry King

Larry King has often interviewed others about the challenges in their lives, and he too has had his share of medical challenges, including an ongoing fight to manage his type-2 diabetes, which he manages with diet, medications and exercise.



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